
Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Temple in the Gospel of John is unavailable, but you can change that!

In Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Temple in the Gospel of John, Paul M. Hoskins explores the connection between Jesus and the temple. Interpreters often associate John 1:14, 1:51, 2:18-22 and 4:20-24 with Jesus’ replacement of the temple. Based on these texts, one can already begin to see that he fulfills and replaces the temple in that he is the new locus of God’s presence, glory, revelation,...

scholarship.84 In order to relate the current study to previous works on typology, particularly the typology of the Fourth Gospel, it will be necessary first to describe and examine the claims of the two primary conceptions of typology in biblical scholarship. Then, recent studies on the typology of the Fourth Gospel will be discussed, making reference to the understanding of typology underlying these studies. Common points of agreement between the two primary conceptions will be noted before discussing
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